Course description
This course was designed for any pregnant woman that may be scared to breastfeed for the first time. This is a great way to prepare yourself for motherhood by utilizing the essential information given within this course. Through this course, you may come across something new that you haven’t heard about before or the answer to one of your most pressing questions. Many women have questions and concerns about breastfeeding before their baby comes out, which is entirely normal. These are some of the frequently asked questions that mothers may come across during nesting.
Created by: Marcel Martin
The Unequal Birth Campaign is funded by Sacramento County Health & First 5 Sacramento.
Learning outcomes
Her Health Breastfeeding 101 (Lesson-1)
The Journey Ahead
Lesson Description: Following the foundation laid by lesson 1.1, lesson 1.2, The Journey Ahead focuses on properly introducing mothers to getting a head start on efficiently breastfeed. The content within …