Course description
In this course, we will be going over breastfeeding as well as the importance of breastfeeding. The first lesson will go over the anatomy of the breast and how breastfeeding happens. We will be discussing processes such as “let down reflex” and “rooting reflex” and why these are so significant when it comes to breastfeeding. The second lesson will go over challenges associated with breastfeeding. This can include things like the inability to breastfeed, HIV-positive mothers, latching difficulties, etc. The third lesson will go over the method by which women can latch easily. We have provided this since this seems to be a struggle for many women to breastfeed.
Created by: Nidhi Sathish
Learning outcomes
Anatomy of the Breast and its importance
Benefits and challenges of breastfeeding
Lesson Description: This lesson will go over the reason why breastfeeding can prove to be beneficial in many cases especially in developing countries. Although breastfeeding has many benefits, this lesson …
Establishing a good latch
Lesson Description: As discussed in the previous lesson one of the most difficult feats for new mothers is to latch properly. In this lesson mothers will be able to learn …