Milk on the go

In this course, mothers will learn about the different ways they can express milk from their breasts and how to prepare bottles. After your first year of breastfeeding, you are more than likely ready for more independence or may need to start making bottles because you are busier or going back to work. Whatever the cause, it is important that all mothers have this useful tool in their breastfeeding journey.
by admin
30 Minutes
2 Lessons
0 Students

Course description

In this course, mothers will learn about the different ways they can express milk from their breasts and how to prepare bottles. After your first year of breastfeeding, you are more than likely ready for more independence or may need to start making bottles because you are busier or going back to work. Whatever the cause, it is important that all mothers have this useful tool in their breastfeeding journey.

In the first lesson, we will talk about how to safely and effectively get milk from your breasts. There are plenty of tools that you may find helpful, such as your hands (hand expression), manual pumps, or electric pumps. Regardless of what you use, you must be able to confidently pump milk from your breasts to be stored or used on the go.

In the second lesson, mothers will learn all about how to store milk and prepare bottles. It is important to understand how to store milk safely and effectively. This also includes an overview of how to store milk in the refrigerator vs. in the freezer and how to give milk that has been pumped directly to your baby. Lastly, mothers will learn how to bring this milk with them on the go!

Created by: Nicole Crawford

The Unequal Birth Campaign is funded by Sacramento County Health & First 5 Sacramento.

Learning outcomes

Mothers can expect to learn how to use hand-expression

Mothers can expect to learn how to use breast pumps

Mothers can expect to learn the difference between electric and manual pumps

Mothers can expect to learn how to store breastmilk in the fridge or freezer

Mothers can expect to learn how to warm refrigerated milk

Mothers can expect to learn how to thaw frozen milk

Mothers can expect to learn how to bring milk with them on the go


Getting Your Milk

Author: admin

Learning Outcomes Mothers can expect to learn how to use hand expression to get milk Mothers can expect to learn about different breast pumps and how to use them Mothers 

Storing Your Milk

Length: 15 minutesAuthor: admin

Learning Outcomes Mothers can expect to learn how to store their milk in the fridge and reheat it Mothers can expect to learn how to store their milk in the 

What You Get

  • Educated Staff
  • Timesheets
  • Video Lessons